Web Development

Website development & engineering for Charisma Social, an innovative utility for NFT enthusiasts.

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Charisma Social began as an award winning hackathon project aiming to bring more transparency to the NFT space. Leveraging proprietary analysis techniques on publicily available transaction data, the platform assigns various traits to the users' wallet, similar to the famous MBTI types.

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Custom Engineering

The heart of Charisma Social lies in its ability to connect to the Ethereum blockchain and query transaction data for analysis. We developed a robust system that securely connects to the blockchain, extracts transaction data, and processes it. Users are then assigned personality traits based on their transaction patterns and the results presented in a comprehensive and easy-to-understand format.

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Design Implementation

Working closely with a third-party designer, we integrated the provided designs into the front-end of the Charisma Social website. These designs focused on creating an engaging and intuitive user interface, which allows users to navigate the platform with ease while staying true to the team's rag-tag origins.

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Prepared for the future

Charisma Social stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and the fusion of design and technology in creating a groundbreaking platform. By effectively integrating front-end designs with advanced blockchain functionality, Charisma Social has successfully provided users with a unique way to explore their Ethereum transaction history and gain valuable insights into their personality traits. This project demonstrates the immense potential of combining innovative design principles, cutting-edge technology, and a shared vision to create an engaging, user-centric experience. As Charisma Social continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly serve as a benchmark for future blockchain-based applications, inspiring others to push the boundaries of what is possible in the digital world.